Pasadena ArtNight
Last month I went to Pasadena Art Night. It was a great time. I met up with a friend who I hadn't seen in awhile and there were 12 museums & galleries throughout Pasadena that you could view for free for one night. With only 4 hours I knew I would not get through all of them (and some of the food trucks.) Some places were a bust but some I highly enjoyed. Here are those parts.
Pacific Asia Museum

When you walked inside you entered into a beautiful Asian garden. They had a musician playing where you could sit and listen or head inside. The exhibit that was running that I liked the most was "Visions of the Orient: Western Women Artists in Asia 1900-1940. It featured the work of Helen Hyde, Bertha Lum (my favorite), Elizabeth Keith & Lilian Miller.
When I was done and slightly overwhelmed by everything this museum had to offer I went outside and the food truck I wanted to try the most happened to be outside, The Dumpling Station. I had the steamed chicken & veggie dumplings. They were delicious!

My second favorite gallery was the Pasadena Museum of California Art. They had 3 special exhibits going.
1.) Clayton Brothers: Inside Out. This was very unique & very interesting. It wasn't necessarily my taste but you could really see the depth and layers to their work. I was also interviewed for a college paper while I toured this exhibit. Lucky me.
2.) Street Cred: Graffiti Art from Concrete to Canvas. I was very interested in this one and it deeply caught my interest. I had just watched Exit Through The Gift Shop so that helped perk my interest. My favorite artist in this bunch was Craola and his "Just Can't Let Go" piece. Craola's work was so awesome to me. Check his stuff out!
3.) Getting Upper: Graphic Designers and Artists Reconsider the Alphabet. I understand the time and art in this exhibit but it wasn't holding my interest.
Those were just my top 2 favorites but there was so much more I enjoyed. The whole thing was well worth my time and I would definitely do it again despite a couple of the galleries being less than impressive (or should I just say not my style.) I had been to old Pasadena before but this part of Pasadena was just lovely. I love Union St and the downtown area. Their city hall is gorgeous and as I snapped some photos I noticed it's what they use as the exterior of city hall in Parks & Rec. I also, took the metro gold line train out there. It's above ground and it was a really nice metro train with beautiful scenery.

I highly suggest you check it out next time it rolls around.
Pacific Asia Museum
When you walked inside you entered into a beautiful Asian garden. They had a musician playing where you could sit and listen or head inside. The exhibit that was running that I liked the most was "Visions of the Orient: Western Women Artists in Asia 1900-1940. It featured the work of Helen Hyde, Bertha Lum (my favorite), Elizabeth Keith & Lilian Miller.
When I was done and slightly overwhelmed by everything this museum had to offer I went outside and the food truck I wanted to try the most happened to be outside, The Dumpling Station. I had the steamed chicken & veggie dumplings. They were delicious!
My second favorite gallery was the Pasadena Museum of California Art. They had 3 special exhibits going.
1.) Clayton Brothers: Inside Out. This was very unique & very interesting. It wasn't necessarily my taste but you could really see the depth and layers to their work. I was also interviewed for a college paper while I toured this exhibit. Lucky me.
2.) Street Cred: Graffiti Art from Concrete to Canvas. I was very interested in this one and it deeply caught my interest. I had just watched Exit Through The Gift Shop so that helped perk my interest. My favorite artist in this bunch was Craola and his "Just Can't Let Go" piece. Craola's work was so awesome to me. Check his stuff out!
3.) Getting Upper: Graphic Designers and Artists Reconsider the Alphabet. I understand the time and art in this exhibit but it wasn't holding my interest.
Those were just my top 2 favorites but there was so much more I enjoyed. The whole thing was well worth my time and I would definitely do it again despite a couple of the galleries being less than impressive (or should I just say not my style.) I had been to old Pasadena before but this part of Pasadena was just lovely. I love Union St and the downtown area. Their city hall is gorgeous and as I snapped some photos I noticed it's what they use as the exterior of city hall in Parks & Rec. I also, took the metro gold line train out there. It's above ground and it was a really nice metro train with beautiful scenery.
I highly suggest you check it out next time it rolls around.
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